465715086 976068511228335 5595392435782776203 nEXPO ZIM

festivalMeđunarodni zimski festival dečije rekreacije 


57262831 2367803683280667 9104109440814022656 oBeogradska biciklijada 

20200710 184857Logorovanje Džanići  

Family day


Association Sport for All Belgrade and Sokol Society Batajnica organized traditional Family Day manifestation on Sunday, Sept.18th, 2016.

family dayManifestation has been conducted under European TAFISA manifestation Be active. The main idea is to gather great number of children and parents, who would, along with sport and recreational programs, promote family as a base in building child personality and acquiring the first knowledge about values of regular exercise. 

Programme content:

  • programme on stage: dance and gymnacstics, schools of sports, sport clubs 
  • puncts : precision games (tossing hoops, bowling, darts tournament), aerobics with the intruction of proper exercise, aerobik uz instrukcije o pravilnom vežbanju, family rope pulling, long jump, badminton, family exercise